APRU Multi-Hazards Webinar Series: 10 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: insights and perspectives based on science and experience


Approximately ten years ago, on March 11th, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (GEJET) struck the Tohoku region. The earthquake, of a magnitude of 9.0, and the subsequent tsunami claimed more than 20,000 deaths and missing persons. They destroyed countless houses, buildings, assets, and livelihoods. Tremendous recovery efforts have been made in the last ten years with great worldwide support. What did we learn from these experiences? What should we pass on from these experiences and messages to the next generation, and how should we proceed in doing so? How could we reduce the impact and damage caused by such catastrophic disasters in the future?
This webinar aims to share the experiences, lessons learned, and research findings related to the GEJET, as well as to best utilize these experiences in future disaster risk reduction.

The webinar series is organized by the APRU-IRIDeS Multi-Hazards Program, IRIDeS of Tohoku University, Keio University,  and Elsevier.

Further information and registration for this webinar series: https://apru.org/event/10-years-after-the-great-east-japan-earthquake-and-tsunami-insights-and-perspectives-based-don-science-and-experience/