APRU Multi-Hazards Webinar Series: A new approach for disaster risk management after COVID-19


The experience of the COVID 19 pandemic reminded us that disaster risks are not only natural, but also include different types of disasters such as biological, chemical, industrial etc. It is crucial to understand these various types of hazard risks and take proper preparedness measures to ensure effective response efforts. This webinar series consists of three sessions: 1) Understanding and addressing different types of hazard risks, 2) Strengthening disaster management strategies through multi-stakeholder partnerships, and 3) Developing innovative tools and approaches for disaster preparedness and response.


The webinar series is organized by the APRU Multi-Hazards Program, University of Indonesia, and CBRNe-Natech Asian Disaster Risk Initiative (CnADRI).
Further information on this webinar series: https://apru.org/event/the-apru-multi-hazards-webinar-series-a-new-approach-for-disaster-risk-management-after-covid-19/